Saturday, June 27, 2009


A 9 1/2 hour flight followed by an 1 1/2 drive and we are at Regent's Park College in Oxford. The simple, yet stately surroundings foster an air of learning, culture, and history from centuries past. I sit now in my single room with modest furnishings and reflect, albeit wearily, on the trip so far. We passed the "Eagle and Child Pub" which is a block's walk from Regent's Park. This famous pub was the regular meeting place of The Inklings, whose best known members were C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. We also made a surprise stop at St. Martin Church in Bladon where Winston Churchill and his family are buried. I have included pictures. Just what you would think a small English country parish would look like.
The song "This is Home", the closing song from the movie "Prince Caspian", came to mind as I sensed a feeling of being home today, just as Pastor Sam said I would. Well, off to take a walking tour, dinner, and, hopefully, bed. No AC, by the way, but the temps are in the 60's (and partly cloudy today).

1 comment:

  1. JIm - I am so pleased that you got to do this. This will be a part of you all of your life. And, one day, you will take your bride back with you.
