Saturday, July 4, 2009

Final Day in London

What an incredible week. I am blessed to have been apart of it. I have traced steps I have always heard and read about, and relived history by visiting the places it happened.
So what does this mean regarding leadership (the purpose of my PhD)? First, it reminds me that leadership is not a new concept and seeking leadership lessons from the past is critical for leading in the future. Second, leadership is costly as decisions made may affect generations to come. Third, leadership does not exist in a vacuum, but is a living breathing discipline requiring wisdom, flexibility, and faith.
I have enjoyed my time in the UK, but on this Independence Day am reminded of the blessing it is to live in America. I am looking forward to getting home (albeit a short respite before Brazil) and sleep in my own bed, talk to my family for under .99 per minute, and eat something that is fried. God bless the USA! Cherri-o.
P.S.- Posted are some pictures from John Wesley's Chapel, St. Paul's Cathedral, and the British Museum. Stay tuned for the Brazil '09 blog starting on July 9th. Thanks for following me this week.

Friday, July 3, 2009

The Queen is Home!

Windsor Castle. What a sight. All English and British monarchs have lived in this castle since William the Conquerer. And today one was on sight. The Queen was in residence today at Windsor. We, of course, did not see her, and was not invited up for tea, but her standard flew above the castle indicating her presence. What a grand idea. Royalty dwelling close! (see Philippians 2).
We were able to experience the changing of the guard. What a wonderful experience. The guard band actually played several traditional pieces along with the theme to "Austin Powers". Everybody enjoyed!
Went to the Trout Inn for dinner, a local haunt for C.S. Lewis when he was at Oxford. Wonderful meal celebrating my friend Mark's 30th Birthday. I actually had a pint (of lemonade that is!). Beautiful day, wonderful friends, and a gracious God. What more could you ask for?
Back to London tomorrow. Then home on Sunday.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Journeyed to Cambridge today to see the University of Cambridge. Seems silly that we think we are an old country when this "upstart" university is celebrating their 800 year anniversary this year. Makes 250 years seem like nothing.
On our way we stopped by the American Cemetery at Cambridge. Almost 4,000 American sailors and airmen are buried here. They primarily served in the North Atlantic Theatre during World War II, though some from the African Theatre are here also. The University of Cambridge donated the land for the cemetery in 1944. Being the my uncle, though I obviously never knew him, was killed in the European Theater (The Battle of the Bulge), this visit had a special meaning to me. It again highlighted the significant price many paid and still pay for our freedom.
Had a fine time in Cambridge. Saw the chapel at King's College. Very impressive.
I am having US withdrawls. Went to get a strawberry shake at Burger King tonight.
On to Windsor Castle tomorrow.
Here's what I learned in "Crazy Love" today. "God doesn't call us to be comfortable. He calls us to trust Him completely that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we will be in trouble if He doesn't come through." Isaiah 58:2-14. Blessings!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A Wicked Adventure

Yesterday was an adventure to remember. After a morning of seminar, we took a tour surrounding the lives of the "Inklings", the literary group comprised of C.S. Lews, J.R.R. Tolkien, Warnie Lewis, and others. We traced their steps from pubs to colleges and saw where The Hobbit was written.
That evening four of us ventured from the safe confines of Oxford into the London nightlife to attend the theatre to see the production of "Wicked". As the Brits say, "Brilliant!". We started the adventure by getting on the wrong train (we got on the slow one and not the express), and then took a harrowing cab ride through the streets of London.
Needless to say, it was all worth it as the performance was the best I have seen. Well, off to Cambridge today. Cherri-0.